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miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011

Tartine false cu stevie si leurda deosebite (False spreads with stevia and wild garlic)

Ziua 48 la dieta, Carbohidrati. Este perioada cea mai frumoasa pentru mine, deoarece apar multe verdeturi si sunt o multitudine de posibilitati de a-mi detoxifia organismul si a face o infuzie cu  vitamine neprocesate industrial. Imi plac mult legumele, verdeturile, plantele aromatice, deci reinventez multe retete vechi si fac tot felul de combinatii. Multe sunt salate, dar nu numai, doar ca ma straduiesc sa tratez cat mai putin termic verdeturile. Aceasta reteta este veche la mine, doar ca prezentarea este mai frumoasa decat pe vremuri. Cu aceasta reteta particip la evenimentul de pe blogul unei doamne tare draga mie, Ivy, al carei logo insoteste imaginea de prezentare a retetei, deci va avea si o versiune in limba engleza.
Aceasta reteta este pentru ziua de Carbohidrati de la Dieta Rina - Dieta de 90 de zile.

Aveti nevoie de:
pentru amestecul de verdeturi
1kg stevie
250 g leurda
sare, piper proaspat macinat
2 linguri ulei
1 ceapa
3 catei de usturoi
1-2 linguri zeama de lamaie
50 g mieji de floarea-soarelui cruzi
pentru tartine
600 ml apa
210 g malai
boia dulce si iute in amestec, dupa gust
1 lingurita ulei de masline
fulgi de chili rasniti proaspat, pentru decor

Ceapa curatata se toaca marunt si se pune intr-o tigaie cu o lingura de ulei si sare sa se inabuse, la foc mic.

Dupa 2-3 minute, cand devine translucida, se adauga usturoiul si se mai lasa 30 de secunde, amestecand putin.

Se adauga stevia spalata si tocata mai mare, leurda spalata si tocata la fel, sare, piper, o lingura din zeama de lamaie. Se intoarce cu o paleta, usor, in asa fel incat sa se inabuse putin, dar sa ramana al dente.

Se da deoparte si se adauga miezul de floarea soarelui macinat, dar nu facut pudra, sa se mai simta bucatele mici.

Se amesteca bine si se adauga restul de ulei si de zeama de lamaie, sare, piper, potrivind gustul.

Se lasa putin sa se amestece gusturile, cat facem o mamaliga din ingredientele pentru tartine. Punem apa la fiert cu sare si cimbrisor.

Cand aproape fierbe se adauga malaiul si se amesteca energic cu un tel in forma de para. Se lasa la fiert cam 15 minute, la foc mediu, amestecand din cand in cand cu o lingura, rasturnand amestecul. 
La sfarsit se adauga boiaua si uleiul, incorporandu-le bine. 

Apoi se rastoarna intr-o tava nu foarte adanca, in care am intins hartie de copt, unsa cu o pensula cu ulei, formand un strat uniform si bine presat.

Se lasa sa se racoreasca putin si apoi se taie patrate, ca niste felii de paine. Este foarte buna si rece, cand ramane, pusa putin pe gratar sa se incalzeasca inainte de a umple.

Asa tartine n-ati mai mancat! Fulgii de chili macinati, pusi pe deasupra le da un gust special, usor picant.

O mancare de post excelenta, gustoasa, aromata si sanatoasa!

Merita sa incercati asa ceva din cand in cand!


48th Day of Diet, Carbohydrates. It is the most beautiful time for me as many vegetables become available and are a multitude of ways to detoxify my body and make an infusion of unprocessed vitamins. I love vegetables, herbs, aromatic plants, thus reinventing old recipes and doing all sorts of combinations. Many are salads, but not limited to, I just try to treat the herbs with less heat as possible. This recipe is old to me, only the presentation is prettier than in the old days. With this recipe I participate in the event on the blog of a lady very dear to me, Ivy, whose logo image presentation accompanies the recipe, so it will have a version in English also.
This recipe is for the Carbohydrate day in the Rina Diet - The 90 days diet.

You will need:
for the herbs mixture
1kg stevia (Rumex patienta, not stevia rebaudiana)
250 g wild garlic (Allium Ursinum)
salt and freshly ground pepper
2 tablespoons oil
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
1-2 tablespoons lemon juice
50 g raw sunflower kernels

for the spreads:
600 ml water
210 g corn flour

thyme (Thymus serpyllum))
sweet and hot paprika mixture, by taste
1 tablespoon olive oil
freshly ground chili flakes, for decoration

The peeled onion is finely chopped and put it in a pan with one tablespoon oil and salt to suppress, to a simmer.

After 2-3 minutes, when it becomes translucent, add garlic and let 30 seconds, stirring slightly.

After washing add the chopped stevia and wild garlic, salt, pepper, a tablespoon of lemon juice. Turn with a wide palette, gently, so as to suppress a little, but remain al dente.

Set aside and add the ground sunflower kernels, do not powder, so you can still feel small pieces.

Mix well and add remaining oil and lemon juice, salt, pepper, matching the taste.

Leave it aside a little to allow the tastes to mix, meanwhile we make a polenta from the spreads ingredients. We put water to boil with salt and thyme.

When its almost boiling add the corn flour and stir vigorously with a whisk in a pear shape. Let it boil for about 15 minutes, over medium heat, stirring occasionally with a spoon, mix by inverting. At the end, add the paprika mix and oil, incorporating them well.

Then we turn it upside down in a not very deep tray, where I stretched parchment paper, greased with a brush with oil, forming a uniform and well pressed layer.

Allow to cool slightly and then cut squares, like slices of bread. It is very good when cold as well, when you have it left over, just put them on the grill to warm slightly before filling them.

Spreads like this you didn't tasted before! The ground chili flakes, laid on top give them a special flavor, slightly spicy.

An excellent food for fasting, tasty, flavorful and healthy!

It's worth to try something like this once in a while!

6 comentarii:

  1. Elena, thank you again for another creative recipe. I knew about stevia only as a sweetener but it must amazing when it is used raw. I will have to check what it is called in Greece and see if I can get some.

  2. Ivy, I think it is not the same plant. It's the same family, but one that often cook in Romania is Rumex patienta, not Stevia rebaudiana. It is a common plant, grows spontaneously, not necessarily intentionally cultivated. It is slightly sweet, tender as spinach, but less astringent, great for raw preparations. I corrected the blog variety of stevia correctly.

  3. yumy...faci o dieta sa para foarte simplu de tinut...

  4. Thanks Elena for the clarification. I still want to see if I can find it in Greece.

  5. foarte bun si frumos prezentat,felicitari

  6. Albinuta, este simplu, daca ai putina imaginatie. A mea cam zburda, ca a venit primavara si are la dispozitie o multime de vedeturi...

    Ivy, with great pleasure.

    Ina, multumesc. Ma straduiesc sa arat ca mancarea trebuie sa arate agreabil. Eu sunt de parere ca e nevoie sa dai drumul imaginatiei si dorintei de a testa ceva nou sa se desfasoare. S-ar putea sa ne placa ce aflam despre noi, dar altfel cum am sti asta?


Multumesc pentru vizita! Comentariul dvs. ma va ajuta sa devin mai competitiva, asa ca orice parere este binevenita.